Court of Appeal of The Hague

Case number 200.302.332
Session date 4 April 2024

Oral arguments of milieudefensie et al shell s reduction obligation part 4 sectoral reduction pathways the energy transition and the findings of the iea

in the matter of:

  1. Vereniging Milieudefensie having its registered office in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
  2. Stichting Greenpeace Nederland having its registered office in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
  3. Landelijke Vereniging tot Behoud van de Waddenzee having its registered office in Harlingen, the Netherlands
  4. Stichting ter bevordering van de Fossielvrij-beweging having its registered office in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
  5. Stichting Both ENDS having its registered office in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
  6. Jongeren Milieu Actief having its registered office in Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Respondents, original claimants,

Collectively called: “Milieudefensie et al./Friends of the Earth Netherlands et al.” (hereinafter: Milieudefensie et al.)

Legal counsel:

mr. R.H.J. Cox, mr. M.J. Reij, mr. A.J.M. van Diem
