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Documents Milieudefensie:

Defending the dangerlineDownload original
Expert statement Joeri RogeljDownload original
Expert statement Pete Erickson en Fergus GreenDownload original
Expert statement Sweder van Wijnbergen en Rick van der PloegDownload original
Expert statement Lisette van BeekDownload original
Statement of defence on appeal after joinderDownload original
Statement of defence on appealDownload original
First expert statementDownload original
Expert statement rotmans and loorbachDownload original
Conversation following the judgement in the climate caseDownload original
Notes on oral arguments 9Download original
Notes on oral arguments 8Download original
Notes on oral arguments 7Download original
Notes on oral arguments 6Download original
Notes on oral arguments 5Download original
Notes on oral arguments 4Download original
Notes on oral arguments 3Download original
Notes on oral arguments 2Download original
Notes on oral arguments 1Download original
Statement on the record of response to exhibit rk 37Download original
Statement on the record of submission of additional exhibitDownload original
Statement on the record explaining the amendment of claim relief sought part 1 aDownload original
Statement on the record of amendment of claimDownload original
Court summonsDownload original
Notice letter shellDownload original